Find local repair solutions for your device
in just 3 steps
Easily find local repair shops, compare options, and choose the best one for your needs.
Transparent pricing to ensure you get the best value for your money
Customer Support
We hear you and support you throughout the journey.
Local Impact
Get an impact report card that quantifies how much time, money you saved besides saving the environment
Here's what we need

Describe your issue
Provide us with the make and model of your device, along with a brief description of the issue.

Enter your contact details
We'll use the information to find repair shops that are best suited to your needs.

Get valuable information
We'll provide you with options based on estimated price, location, reviews, guarantee, and turn around time.
Here's what you'll get from us

Compare and choose
Our repair services offer multiple repair options for your device, so you can compare and choose what works best for you.

Choose our pickup services
Get your device fixed without taking a break from work. Our pick-up service lets us collect your device at your convenience, repair it, and deliver it back to you, hassle-free.

Revive your device
Our local repair partners can bring your device back to life, so you can get back to using it in no time.